This is an Honors Plan

The manager for KY Saves 529 (previously known as The Kentucky Education Savings Plan Trust) changed from TIAA-CREF to Ascensus College Savings in February 2019. The plan features a school enrollment based option, four asset allocation options, and an FDIC-insured option.

  • Program type
  • Inception
    1990, substantially changed in 2019
  • State agency
    Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority
  • Tax deduction
  • Program Manager
    Ascensus College Savings
  • Program distributor
    Ascensus College Savings

Active Equity Option

Asset Allocation

Asset Class% AssetsCategory Avg.
US Stock60%71.64%
Foreign Stock35%24.73%
Real Estate5%3.05%
Short Term Bond0%0.01%


Category Avg
This Portfolio
This Portfolio
Category Avg

Fees & Expenses (1 Year)

Category Avg
This Portfolio
This Portfolio
Category Avg

Total Expense Ratio

Fees vs Performance

Calculate your fee

Each investment portfolio within a 529 plan carries with it a certain fee, known as the expense ratio. These annual fees are calculated based on a percentage of the investment balance. Enter the information below to see how much in fees you will pay over the course of your investment.


Growth of $10,000

Category Avg
This Portfolio


Data in "Growth of $10,000" is based on historical annual performance data.

Data as of 09/30/2024.

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Each portfolio is assigned to a category of similar portfolios for comparison purposes. Read about our methodology for categorizing portfolios.

Category average

Category averages are designed to be a representation of all portfolios with a similar risk profile (represented as a % of equity).