
Saving For College is the premier advertising partner for 529 plans, student lenders, and other organizations hoping to reach families and their financial advisors as they navigate the complex landscape of college financing. With incredible organic reach and an unmatched depth of content and resources, Saving For College offers its partners opportunities to reach new customers and build brand awareness.

Our audience

Saving For College attracts an audience of both consumers and financial experts that are educated, financially savvy and self-directed. They are actively researching and making decisions on how to save and pay for college, and are ready to take action, making Saving For College a high-performance marketing channel for our partners.

About our audience

5 million annual visitors to

  • 74% Parents

    76% have household income > $100,000

    50% saving for a child aged 0-10

  • 16% Grandparents

    86% saving for 1-4 beneficiaries

  • 10% Financial Professionals

200,000 email subscribers

  • 170,000 college savers

  • 15,000 financial professionals

  • 15,000 student loan borrowers

Our display opportunities

Display Ads

  • Run of site display units in standard banner sizes
  • High impact units: welcome takeovers, conversion bars, hello bars
  • Geotargeting available

Lead Generation

  • The Enroll Now program generates high-converting leads for 529 and ABLE plans
  • Opportunities also available for student loans and other audience-appropriate products


  • Saving For College can send your dedicated email to our subscribers: college savers, student borrowers or financial professionals
  • Integrate your content and/or banners in one of our newsletters


  • Make a deeper connection with users by sponsoring a webinar and having your subject matter expert present to the audience
  • Includes full promotional package and follow-up email to registrants

Content Licensing and Sponsorship

  • License any of our tools or content to make available to your teams or customers
  • Sponsor content on Saving For College with a full promotional package

For more information, please contact:

Helping families save for college since 1999
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The latest articles and tips to help parents stay on track with saving and paying for college, delivered to your inbox every week.

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Saving For College is an unbiased, independent resource for parents and financial professionals, providing them with information and tools to understand the benefits of 529 college savings plans and how to meet the challenge of increasing college costs.

20533 Biscayne Blvd Ste 4 #199 Miami, FL 33180-1501Phone: (585) 286-5426Copyright © 2024 Saving for College, LLC. All Rights Reserved