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Enroll Directly in a 529 Plan
See a complete list of 529 plans that you can enroll in directly.
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Find the best plan to suit your needs by comparing fees, performance and ratings.
Find a Professional Advisor
If you want expert advice on which 529 Plan is right for you. Search our directory to find an 529 professional near you.
Financial Aid Calculator
The simplest way to estimate your child's financial-aid eligibility
Find the Top 10 Plans
Performance rankings for the top 10 plans investors can enroll in directly.
Compare Savings Options
Use our comparison tool to compare 529 plans against other savings options
5-CAP Ratings
We provide overall ratings of how effective a plan is for both in-state investors and out of state investors
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View the Cheapest Plans
Our fee study compares the lowest and highest 10-year expense totals for all direct-sold 529 savings plans
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Find Eligible Institutions
529 plans can be used to pay expenses from eligible institutions. If your institution is not eligible the tax benefits may be lost! Check to see if your college is eligible under 529 plan rules