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529 tools and calculators
Increase interaction on your own website by licensing's mobile-friendly calculators and tools! We will customize the design to match your website's look and feel and add any required disclaimers. View the list of available tools below, and submit a message to licensing inquiries for more information.
Featured Benefits

All calculators and tools are fully compatible with mobile devices and tablets.
Customized PDF Reports

Print fully-personalized reports with the results from your calculator entries.
The Most Current Data

Continuously-updated data ensures the most accurate calculator results.
Wide Range of Tools

Variety of calculators to address the needs of consumers and professionals.
College Savings Projector
Use the College Savings Projector to create your own personalized college savings roadmap. Add each of your children to the report to receive a breakdown of their individual projected future costs of college and estimated savings goals, as well as a summary for your whole family.
529 State Tax Deduction
This tool calculates the state income tax deduction or credit for contributions to a 529 plan, in terms of both gross dollar savings and annualized-return equivalent, so that the lost value (if any) of choosing an out-of-state 529 plan can easily be determined.
College Funding Calculator
Calculate how much you can expect to pay for college if you decide to use a combination of your own savings and student loans. Play around with the slider tool to see how building up your college savings account now can help you minimize those student loan payments down the road.
Financial Aid Calculator
This calculator provides an estimate of a student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC) without requiring all the data and inputs required when filling out the actual FAFSA form.
UGMA/UTMA 529 Conversion Calculator
Use this calculator to help determine whether or not converting assets in your UGMA/UTMA account to a 529 plan would be beneficial in maximizing your college savings.
529 Savings vs. Loans
This tool demonstrates how much less money is required when a family saves for the future cost of attending college as opposed to taking out a loan for that cost and repaying that loan after college completion.
The World's Simplest College Cost Calculator
Input just one number--the child's age--and immediately see the monthly savings target for college. Can it get any simpler? All assumptions in this calculator are easily adjusted for a more customized projection.
The Price of Procrastination Calculator
Use this calculator to see just how much putting off your plans to start saving for college could end up costing you.
Superfunding Calculator - (Premium Service members only.)
This calculator analyzes the accumulation benefits, estate tax savings, and gift-tax consequences of making large contributions to a 529 plan under a 5-year election.
Compare Tools
Compare 529 Savings plans (Long Answers) - Compare by Plan
Our 529 comparison tool (long answer version) allows for side-by-side display of the essential features of all 529 plans and is continually updated.
Compare 529 Savings plans (Long Answers) - Compare by Feature
Our 529 comparison tool (long answer version) allows for side-by-side display of the essential features of all 529 plans and is continually updated.