South Dakota 529 College Savings Plans
The South Dakota College Access 529 savings programs are managed by VP Distributors LLC and feature age-based and static options using mutual funds from a variety of fund families. The advisor-sold 529 plan is sold nationally while a direct-sold plan with fewer investment choices is available only to South Dakota residents.
What else do the South Dakota 529 plans have to offer? Find out by clicking on the links below.
South Dakota 529 Tax Benefit
Direct Sold Plans
South Dakota's CollegeAccess 529 (Direct-sold) program is available only to those who meet certain South Dakota residency requirements, this 529 savings program features an age-based option, one fixed income static portfolio and two single fund portfolios....
Advisor Sold Plans
The South Dakota CollegeAccess 529 advisor-sold only plan offers age-based, static asset allocation, and individual fund portfolio options utilizing a large array of investment managers including Virtus Fund Advisers, American Funds, DFA, Dodge & Cox, Metropolitan West, Parametric, PIMCO and TIAA-CREF....