North Carolina 529 College Savings Plans

North Carolina offers two savings programs. The National College Savings Program has simplified its 529 investment menu in recent years and now offers age-based and static portfolios using Vanguard funds, and a federally-insured deposit account with the State Employees’ Credit Union. The Morgan Stanley National Advisory 529 Plan is offered exclusively to clients participating in Morgan Stanley sponsored investment advisory programs.

View additional details on each North Carolina plan by selecting the links below.

North Carolina 529 Tax Benefit

Consumer Plans

The NC 529 Plan features Vanguard funds in its three age-based options and nine individual options, as well as a federally-insured deposit option offered by the State Employees' Credit Union.


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Advisor Sold Plans

The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) contracts with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC as the manager of The Morgan Stanley National Advisory 529 Plan. The plan is offered exclusively to clients participating in Morgan Stanley sponsored investment advisory programs. Account owners may invest in one of thirteen investment options comprising several MS 529 funds that invest in Morgan Stanley Pathway Funds....



ABLE plans

NC ABLE is offered through the National ABLE Alliance. NC ABLE was established within the North Carolina Department of State Treasurer to enable qualified individuals to save and invest, without losing means-tested benefits and supports. Funds in an NC ABLE account that are used for qualified disability expenses are tax-advantaged and are not considered income for means-tested benefits such Medicaid and Social Security Income....