Tennessee 529 College Savings Plans

The Tennessee State Treasury Department operates a direct-sold multi-manager 529 plan, TNStars College Savings 529 Program. The unit-type prepaid tuition program for Tennessee residents was closed to new contributions in November 2010.

See additional details on the Tennessee plans by clicking on the links below.

Tennessee 529 Tax Benefit

Consumer Plans

The TNStars College Savings 529 Program is administered by the Tennessee Treasury Department. It features an age-based option and individual investment options with underlying funds from Vanguard, PrimeCap, DoubleLine, and Western Asset.


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ABLE plans

ABLE TN is administered by the Tennessee Department of Treasury and is a savings program designed to help individuals with disabilities put aside money to pay for qualified expenses. These accounts provide the opportunity to save and invest, with tax-free earnings, to help participants maintain independence and quality of life....