How do you allocate your savings between retirement plans and college savings plans?
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I'll max out my 401(k) and IRA before putting money into a 529 or ESA | |
I'll put at least some money into a 529 or ESA even if I do not max out my 401(k) and IRA | |
College savings is higher priority and I'll worry about retirement later on | |
Don't know or don't care |
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Open Polls
Closed Polls
- Should non-residents be required to pay more in expenses than residents of the state?
- If you were expecting to have children in the future, would you consider opening a 529 account now with yourself as beneficiary?
- Would you be interested in a prepaid tuition plan that gives you 100% (no more, no less) of the tuition increases at ANY college attended?
- Do you think states should allow tax deductions for 529 plan contributions when the funds are used to pay for K-12 tuition?
- Do "free tuition" programs such as the one introduced in New York discourage families from saving for higher education?
- Should the federal government intervene to address mounting student debt?
- How did you first hear about 529 Plans?
- Do you think that allowing tax-free rollovers of unused 529 plan funds into a Roth IRA would be a good idea?
- Is your investment approach to college savings similar to your approach to retirement savings?
- Which approach would best encourage more Americans to save for college with 529 plans?
- Should the federal tax treatment of 529 plans be changed?
- Is a 4-yr college degree worth it, assuming it costs $100K including loans?
- How many investment changes should you be allowed each year in your 529 plan?
- Which factor is MOST important to you when choosing a 529 plan?
- Should states subsidize the cost of running a 529 plan to keep participant expenses low?
- Which is better: a 529 plan with just a few investment options (all performing well), or a lot of options (some not performing well)?
- Would you choose to use your own state's 529 plan "out of loyalty" even if its expenses were slightly higher than a competing plan?
- Should a state step in and pledge taxpayer moneys to satisfy the promises of the state's prepaid tuition plan?
- Do you think states should be giving state tax deductions for 529-plan contributions?
- Would you consider donating any leftover funds in your 529 account to a charitable scholarship program?
- If you had already been saving for college, has the recession (stock market, job situation, etc.) caused you to slow down your saving?
- If you had 1 year or less before your child started college, which of the following would be your preferred allocation among asset classes in your 529 savings account?
- How confusing are 529 plans?
- How concerned are you that saving for college will impact your child's future financial aid eligibility?
- How would a prolonged drop in the stock market affect your use of 529 savings plans?
- Should the federal government do more to rein in college tuition inflation?
- What is your investment objective in saving for college?
- Would you postpone your retirement by two years if it meant your child attending the college of choice without taking on more debt?
- Regarding the use of taxable investments (e.g. mutual funds) for college savings, in which direction do you think future tax rates will go?
- Is it appropriate for colleges to receive referral fees from student loan companies?
- Do you use your home-state 529 plan or an out-of-state 529 plan?
- Would you require that your child pay or borrow at least part of his/her college education even if you had the money to pay for all of it?
- Would you be willing to make your child the owner of your 529 account to improve his or her future financial aid eligibility?
- If you had just one young child, and were not intending to have more, would you still consider using a 529 plan?
- How would you feel if the IRS prohibited 529 owner transfers prior to death or incapacity?
- How many investment options should a state offer in its 529 plan?
- Would the attachment of a "rewards" program influence your selection of a 529 plan?
- How do you allocate your savings between retirement plans and college savings plans?
- How likely is it that you will attend college or graduate school classes, on campus or online, at any time in the future?
- Should the states be removed from the 529 plan business?
- Which would you choose - 529 or ESA - if you had $2,000 to save for college?
- Is the 2010 "sunset" of the 529 tax exclusion affecting your use of 529 plans?
- Should states be required to open up their 529 deductions to out-of-state 529 plans?
- What is the fairest way to treat 529 assets for financial aid purposes?