How Do 529 Plans Affect Financial Aid?

By Editorial Team. | Edited by: Editorial Team

Reviewed by Chris Stack, Esq. | Updated January 23, 2025

By Editorial Team. | Edited by: Editorial Team

Reviewed by Chris Stack, Esq. | Updated January 23, 2025

How do 529 Plans Affect Financial Aid?

A 529 plan can affect college financial aid, but the impact of a 529 plan on financial aid is limited and will vary depending on who the account owner is:

FAFSA and 529 Plans Owned by the Parent or Student

  • How are assets counted on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? Assets in accounts owned by a dependent student or the parent who files the FAFSA (in the case of separation or divorce) are considered parental assets on the FAFSA.
  • What percentage of 529 assets are counted? A maximum of 5.64% of parental assets are counted in determining the Student Aid Index (SAI), previously called the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). This is quite favorable compared to student assets, which are counted at 20%. Higher SAI means less financial aid.
  • How are distributions treated? 529 plan distributions receive favorable treatment on the FAFSA. Qualified distributions from a student-owned or parent-owned 529 account to pay for this year’s college expenses are not included in the “base-year income” that would reduce college financial aid eligibility.

529 Plans Owned by Grandparents or Anyone Else

  • Assets aren’t counted on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Assets held in a 529 account owned by a grandparent, other relative or anyone else besides a dependent student or one of their parents will have no effect on the student’s FAFSA. Note that if the student’s parents are divorced or separated and do not live together, the parent who provides greater financial support to the student is the one who files the FAFSA and his or her 529 plan is counted. If the other parent also owns a 529 plan, this is not counted on the FAFSA.
  • How are distributions treated? Under the rules of the simplified FAFSA which is in effect for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond, qualified 529 plan distributions from accounts own by grandparents and anyone else are not reported as income on the FAFSA.

Your Plan may be Treated as an Asset

A 529 plan can be treated as an asset on the FAFSA if:

It is owned by the student

  • If you’re considered an independent student and don’t have any dependents (other than your spouse), your 529 account could reduce your eligibility for financial aid by up to 20%.
  • If you’re considered an independent student and have any dependents, your 529 account could reduce your eligibility for financial aid by up to 3.29%.

It is owned by a parent or a dependent student

  • In either case, the 529 account will only be counted at a maximum of 5.64%. In other words, the SAI calculation assumes the family will use a maximum of 5.64% of their 529 account to pay for college.
  • If the parent meets certain requirements, including having gross income of less than $60,000 per year, their assets are not considered at all on the FAFSA. Therefore, the 529 plan will not have any impact on the SAI and financial aid eligibility.
  • If the parent also owns a 529 plan for another child, this may also be considered as a parental asset based on a range of factors. Learn more here.

Therefore, in terms of assets, 529 plans owned by parents, dependent students, or independent students with dependents other than a spouse may have a minimal impact on financial aid eligibility. Plans owned by independent students without dependents other than a spouse could have a greater impact and mean the student is eligible for less aid.

However, a 529 account that is owned by a grandparent, another family member, or anyone else won’t be treated as an asset on the FAFSA and won’t be considered in the SAI.

Examples of How a 529 Plan can Affect your FAFSA and Financial Aid

Here is a simplified example of the impact on financial aid of a parent-owned 529 account.

You file the FAFSA aid application when your child is a senior in high school. Let’s say you have a 529 savings account with $20,000 in it, of which $10,000 represents your original contribution and $10,000 is earnings.


Your child’s eligibility for federal financial aid this year will decrease by no more than 5.64% of the account value, or $1,128 ($20,000 x 5.64%). Assume there is no further appreciation in the account and you withdraw $5,000 in the fall to pay for the first semester college bills.


You have $15,000 left in the account when your child applies for aid for sophomore year, and it will again be assessed up to 5.64% of the account value, increasing your SAI by up to $846 ($15,000 x 5.64%), $282 less than in Year 1.

And although the $5,000 withdrawal brought $2,500 of excluded earnings with it, none of it will be counted as income on the FAFSA.

The federal aid formula is more complicated than what is described here, but this gives you a general idea of how to calculate impact.

How FAFSA Simplification Affects 529 Plans

Starting with the 2024-2025 FAFSA, new rules are in effect which reduce the impact of grandparent-owned 529 plan assets on financial aid eligibility.

This is good news for financial aid and 529 plans, as students will be able to make withdrawals from all kinds of 529 accounts at any time during their studies with less impact on their eligibility for financial aid.

Be Prepared!

Sound complicated? It is. And we are only talking about the federal financial aid rules here — each college and university can (and most will) set its own rules when handing out its own need-based scholarships, and many schools are starting to adjust awards when they discover 529 accounts in the family. Also consider that the federal financial aid rules are subject to frequent change.

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About the author Editorial Team The Editorial Team consists of current and past contributors, including Mark Kantrowitz, Martha Kortiak Mert, Marc Suhr, and others listed on our Authors page. We have dozens of years of experience with 529 plans and college savings and have published hundreds of articles empowering families with the knowledge to save wisely for college.

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