Compare savings options
Summarizes and compares the features of 529 plans, 529 ABLE plans, ESAs, UTMAs, IRAs, and education savings bonds.
YEAR 2025 RULES | Federal Financial Aid |
529 Plan | Counted as asset of parent if owner is parent or dependent student | Coverdell Education Savings Accounts | Counted as asset of parent if owner is parent or dependent student | Qualifying U.S. Savings Bonds | Counted as asset of bond owner | Roth IRA | Not counted as asset; withdrawals of principal and interest counted as financial aid income | Traditional IRA | Not counted as asset; withdrawals of principal and interest counted as financial aid income | UGMA/UTMA | Counted as student's asset | Mutual Funds | Counted as asset of the owner | 529 ABLE Plan | Account balances of $100,000 or less are disregarded; would also not be reported as an asset on a sibling's FAFSA |