5-Cap Rating
Savingforcollege.com's overall rating of a plan based on performance, cost, features and reliability.
Program Manager
The company that manages the investments within the plan.
Union Bank & Trust Company
Virginia529 Board and its CEO
Utah Education Savings Board of Trustees.
Expense ratio range
The range from the least to most expense investment option offered by the plan.
0.07% - 0.77%
0.0% - 0.559%
0.134% - 0.138% for my529 Target Enrollment Date options. The Static Investment options range is 0.100% - 0.135%. 0.211% for the Stable Value option
1-YR Performance
The average annual return over the past year for the lowest performing to the highest performing investment option offered by the plan.
4.49% - 46.94%
2.71% - 26.48%
2.12% - 25.92%
3-YR Performance
The average annual return over the past three years for the lowest performing to the highest performing investment option offered by the plan.
-3.43% - 16.34%
-3.40% - 9.31%
-1.38% - 18.73%
5-YR Performance
The average annual return over the past five years for the lowest performing to the highest performing investment option offered by the plan.
0.83% - 16.15%
1.07% - 15.75%
1.13% - 17.82%
10-YR Performance
The average annual return over the past ten years for the lowest performing to the highest performing investment option offered by the plan.
1.71% - 11.80%
0.78% - 14.66%
Tax deduction/credit
The allowable tax deductions/credits for residents on their state income taxes for 529 plan contributions.
Contributions to an Illinois 529 plan of up to $10,000 per year by an individual, and up to $20,000 per year by a married couple filing jointly, are deductible in computing Illinois taxable ...
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Contributions to a Virginia 529 plan of up to $4,000 per account per year are deductible in computing Virginia taxable income, with an unlimited carryforward of excess contributions. Contrib...
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Contributions to the Utah 529 plan of up to $2,410 in 2024 per beneficiary by an individual, and up to $4,820 in 2024 per beneficiary by a married couple filing jointly, are eligible for a 4...
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Minimum contribution
The minimum contribution needed to open the plan.
No minimum.
The minimum initial contribution is $10. No minimum ongoing contributions are required.
No minimum.
Underlying investments
An overview of the types of investment options offered within the plan.
Vanguard, T. Rowe Price, DFA, Dodge & Cox, BlackRock, Baird Funds, Ariel Investments, Invesco, BNY Mellon, Nuveen, DWS.
Atlantic Union Bank, Blackstone Property Partners, Capital Research & Management Co., Dimensional Fund Advisors, LP, Invesco Advisers, Inc., Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers, Parnassus I...
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20 Vanguard mutual funds, eight Dimensional mutual funds, the PIMCO Interest Income Fund, and FDIC-insured accounts held in trust by my529 at Sallie Mae Bank and U.S. Bank National Associati...
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Age-based investment options
The number of age-based investment options within the plan.
Static investment options
The number of static investment options within the plan.
Program match on contributions
An overview of current potential matching programs offered by the plan.
Illinois will automatically deposit a $50 seed deposit into a 529 college savings account for every child born or adopted in the state beginning in 2023.