5 education changes we might see under President Trump

by Kathryn Flynn

During his campaign for president, Donald Trump took a strong stance on issues like immigration and foreign trade policy, but he didn't say much about education. However, over the last few months he's given us an idea about where he stands. Based on this, here are five education changes we could see over the next four years.

1. Performance-based pay for teachers

"Our public schools have grown up in a competition-free zone surrounded by a very high union wall." Donald Trump, The America We Deserve

Trump feels that our public schools are failing, and that teachers' unions have a strong stance against giving families school choice.

He proposes:

2. Eliminate the Department of Education

"We want to bring education local so we're going to be cutting the Department of Education big league because we're running our education from Washington DC, which is ridiculous." Donald Trump, 8/12/16

Trump has stated many times that the Department of Education gets in the way of local control of schools, and feels that its $154 billion could be better spent elsewhere.

He proposes:

RELATED: Where does Donald Trump stand on college affordability?

3. Greater access to early-childhood education

"For many families in our country, child care is now the single largest expense—who would think that—even more so than housing. Yet very little meaningful policy work has been done in this area." Donald Trump, 9/14,16

High costs of child-care especially hurt working families, who depend on these services in order to return to their jobs.

To solve this issue, Trump proposes:

4. School choice for disadvantaged children

"If we can put a man on the moon, dig out the Panama Canal, and win two world wars, then I have no doubt that we as a nation can provide school choice to every disadvantaged child in America." Donald Trump, 9/08/16

Trump believes low-income students should have the opportunity to attend a private, public, magnet or charter school of their choice, which would be funded by state grants.

He proposes:

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5. Less student loan burden for borrowers

"Students should not be asked to pay more on their loans than they can afford." Donald Trump 10/13/16

The president-elect wants to help young college graduates pay off their student loans.

He proposes:

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